Sunday, March 25, 2012

Headed to Ukraine Again!


We're headed back to Ukraine! No we're not adopting again, but fulfilling a promise that we made to our girls that we would visit the orphanage before all their friends leave.

The trip will be particularly interesting and emotional. Sophie will see her birth-mother for the first time in 5 years and Katya will see her sisters for the first time since she left the Orphanage.

We will be taking gifts for the kid's in the girls' orphanage class - special thank to our small group neighbors, and next door neighbor for donating items!

Both are previous trips have been in the dead of winter. We're expecting warmer weather, but also mud. Please pray for us all - for safety, wisdom and compassion.

Tim & Charlene

1 comment:

Gary Bruce said...

Praying for a wonderful,safe and smooth trip. Well...As smooth as Ukraine allows ;-)


Beverly and Gary