Friday, February 06, 2009

9 Days To Go

Nine days to go! Hard to believe that we’re in the single digits of days before our trip.

We’ve been busy preparing. What to take? Who’s watching the family? travel arrangements, etc.

We had a very uplifting time with the elders of our church praying for our trip. We know that the outcome of this is in God’s hands. As much as we think we know how things may go, and what Katya will be like, this is very much like a couple having their second child. In both cases, the parents believe themselves to be more prepared than the first go-around, but in reality they have the same amount of control over the outcome – almost none!

Please keep us in your prayers as the day’s count down.

Soli Deo Gloria (SDG)

Tim & Charlene

Oh – I have refuted one of Will’s random facts quoted at the dinner table (WRFQATDT) – He said research shows that a beard doesn’t keep your face any warmer – Oh yes it does!


Anonymous said...


Passanita Family said...

We'll be following your progress all the way and can't wait to meet Katya. Godspeed!

- said...

Hello Quiram Family...Will and Ethan came to mind last night and so today I goggled your name. WOW...very exciting news about your adoption. We would love to be back in touch. Email us and we will send you the link to our blog. We will be praying for your trip. Isn't adoption such an amazing blessing.

Shona - For the Bracco Gang

Anonymous said...

good job!,quiram's very good news for me and u!
i'm your fan!,
and be carefull ,there in ukraine.
i will pray for u,
and i will miss u
very much!
your fan ,sophie...
you have cool music