Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's been awhile


It has been quite some time since we updated our blog. Rather than blather on with over a year’s worth of information, I’ll summarize with a current status… (photo to the left is the entire family in May 2007).

We’re just a few days from the start of school for all-hands. Billy is back at tech, Johnny / Will / Ethan all start back Tuesday, Sophie started this week as did Charlene. Technically, I (Tim) am the only one who won’t be in school starting next week.

I’m now a government civilian employee and we’ve moved into a house with one more bedroom & bathroom. Sophie has been doing well. We hosted her best friend Katya for the summer. It’s a long story (that perhaps I’ll get into) but we are moving forward to add her to our family.

That’s all for now.

Tim & Charlene

(Ethan, Bill, Sophie, Katya
in our nation's capitol)

Tim, Charlene - with Katya
before she flew back to
Ukraine (28 Aug 2008)

1 comment:

Gary and Beverly said...

Nice update. Good looking family too. We can't wait for Katia to come home for good.

Gary Bruce