Sunday, February 18, 2007

All Ahead Flank

Gorodnia – 18 Feb 07- Sunday

Dateline – 1530 local – TV Room – Gorodnia Orphanage. Today we had the going-away party for Sophie at the Orphanage. We had cake and soda for her entire class! Many pictures and videos; a Ukrainian break-dancing demo by Vova (4 Vova’s in her class); and a real – live mouse appearance during the group photo (much to Charlene’s surprise). It went perfectly and seemed to be a very fitting way to say good-bye.

I have a picture of the entire class on this entry. We spent some time talking with the director on Saturday regarding the possibility of setting up a class sponsorship program. Sponsorship would involve a small group or family committing to pray for the children and teachers, write to them, send small gifts, etc. The director thought it would be a good idea, and we said we’d start with Sophie’s class. We asked Olha what the children in the class need most – “socks” was the answer.

Sophie spent her last night at the orphanage on Saturday. Charlene had purchased some glow-in-the-dark bracelets at the dollar store. We showed Sophie how they worked, then gave strict warnings not to break them open as the chemicals inside can stain and they could get cut on the glass. Today at the party, we learned that all the children took their bracelets, broke them open and then slung the chemicals on the walls of one of the rooms last night. They turned out the lights and had a going-away disco party! Got to admire that trained initiative.

We think this may be our last post before departing Ukraine. By all accounts, our life will go into overdrive starting tomorrow. As far as we can tell, we need to: get the court decree, get a Ukrainian passport, get the new birth certificate, pick up medical and educational records, travel to Kyiv, get a medical checkup, apply for a visa, visit the US embassy, purchase airline tickets, etc. – before we leave. If it all goes smoothly, we’ll fly out Wednesday AM. If we have any glitches, we’ll fly out Friday. Please pray for Godspeed through this hectic time!

Sophie seems to be doing well. The going away was very emotional, but she’s already looking ahead. Tonight at supper she asked many questions about her new brothers – what are they like, what do they do, etc.

Thank you for your prayers, Tim and Charlene


Anonymous said...

God is so good!! What a wonderful going away party for Sophie and all her friends! How great you are preparing to return, hope all goes smoothly and you're on the plane Wed am for a safe trip home....looking forward to seeing you and the new member of your family!
Debbie & Dale

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!(OH MY GOSH)
I can't wait untill you get back!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great news !! Hope all your logistics go smoothly.

Anonymous said...

God has blessed you with a daughter. What a precious gift indeed! Praying for safe and speedy travels!!

Love, Robin

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's a cool idea about the bracelets. Do you think the chapel would mind if we trying that in our H4O room for the next meeting? We could open with glow n the dark disco praying!
Safe travels for your journey home!
Rob and Laura

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on adopting Sophie. Glad to hear everything is going good for you. Have a safe trip home. We will be going to Ukraine in the next few months for our adoption. You can visit our site

Robb, Jill and Erica