Sunday, January 14, 2007

Q's News - 12 Days to Go

We're in the final count-down stages of our trip to Ukraine. Many friends have inspired us with their stories and we can hardly wait to go!

Charlene has been studying Russian for over a year and can hardly wait to put it to use. I have been studying about 10 Russian phrases for a year and can hardly wait to try and find situations where they might fit (e.g. what are the chances I'll get to use "Elephant under the airplane"?).
We have been praying that the Lord will lead us to the perfect daughter for us and sister to the boys and that we will be God's answer to her prayers for a family.


Anonymous said...

Nice Blog - good luck!

Anonymous said...

Well that is great.
Gosh!I think you know who this is. Tee hee!

Anonymous said...

Tim, I wish you and your family the best of luck and may the hope, desire, and need to make this young lady a part of family be blessed. Now, just wait until she becomes a teenager, you may revisit this decision...just kidding!!! The first thing to do when you get her home is to enroll her in the Elkhart County 4-H! I will indeed keep you and your family in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Just thought I'd check out the comment section and let you know we will be following your trip and praying for you along the way. We're really glad to have new friends and that God has put you guys and the orphans of Ukraine on our hearts. Safe travels :)

Anonymous said...

Well Uncle Bob if any one needed a wig it would most probably be you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hem hem